A robust entrepreneurship ecosystem has the potential to be among the fundamental drivers of a nation’s economy and a linchpin of its society. Dutch start-ups are already thriving in many ways, but countries such as the United Kingdom, Sweden, and the United States are more competitive along key metrics of start-up success. The Netherlands has an opportunity to build a strategy that encourages the participation of a more diverse group of founders, which will lead to even more entrepreneurial activity than already today.

Especially, the digital industry is growing extremely fast and is more than ever a driving force of the Dutch economy.

Within Europe, the Netherlands is highly regarded on several metrics of start-up success. Still, the Netherlands has the potential to become not only a leader in the region but also the engine that helps make Europe a global leader in entrepreneurship. First, the Netherlands is facing the next wave of global challenges, including food insecurity, energy resilience, climate change, and health access, and solutions to these challenges may lie in the next generation of start-ups. Second—and perhaps even more important—are the many factors that favor the Dutch entrepreneurship ecosystem.

Today's Dutch start-up ecosystem by the numbers:

  • 4th in start-up value creation in Europe
  • 5th in start-ups per capita in the EU 
  • 6th on the 2021 Global Innovation Index 130k local jobs nationwide

Read the full report by McKinsey to get to know more about the possibility of the Dutch start-up ecosystem.

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